Our Collaborating & Teamwork
Our Use Cases, -our Collaborating and Teamwork experiences help us to apply best practices to each business, to each GAP / Fishbone thus, to solve them across the Technical - Functional - Business Processes to be aligned with the Change Management / Market Intelligence / Business Development required to succeed! in the Foreign Pilot Market(s)/Region(s).
Our Team / Network of collaborators
Are local-based in some of the most representative marke(s) / region(s):
- D-A-CH / Deutschland, Austria, Switzerland
- BENELUX / Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg
- EAST-CENTRAL EUROPE / Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Rumania, Slovakia, Slovenia, ...
- CENTRAL-SOUTHERN EUROPE / France, Iberian Peninsula -Spain, Portugal-, Italy, Malta, Greece, ...
- NORTH AMERICA / Canada, USA, Mexico
- LATAM & MERCOSUR / Colombia, Peru, Brasil, Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, ...
Our Team members
Count with superior education, strong skill-sets and know-how
accomplished by an international mindset to be able to apply best practices of their specialization areas -Engineering and Product Development, Sales and Marketing, Business Development, Procurement & Demand Planning,
Logistics & Distribution, IT&C, Change / Project Management,
International Business / Law,
–obtained when collaborating with SME´s (KMUs) and Big Firms of diverse sectors and new technologies as e.g.:
- Automotive
- Electronics & ITC
- INDUSTRIAL & Production
- Medical & Healthcare
- Nano+Micro+Materials+Photonics
- RE - Renewable Energy